👋About Me

I am a second-year Master’s student in Data Science at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Shao-Lun Huang. Before that, I earned my B.S. in Electronic Engineering from Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) in 2022, under the guidance of Prof. Yulan Guo. Currently I’m a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia, working with Dr. Yeyun Gong. I also interned at Tencent AI Lab, collaborating with Dr. Pengyu Cheng.

My current research focuses on pre-training strategy and reinforcement learning (RL) for Large Language Models (LLMs), with a long-term aim at AGI. I am excited to apply for Fall 2025 PhD programs and investigate potential collaborations. If you are interested in discussing opportunities or have any questions, please feel free to EMAIL me. I genuinely appreciate your consideration and look forward to connecting with you.


  • Aug. 2022 - Jun. 2025 (Expected) M.Sc., Data Science and Information Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
    GPA: 3.98/4.0, Top 3%

  • Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2022 B.Sc., Electronic Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
    GPA: 4.11/5.0, Top 3%


diseTask Oriented In-Domain Data Augmentation
Xiao Liang* , Xinyu Hu*, Simiao Zuo, Yeyun Gong, Qiang Lou, Yi Liu, Shao-Lun Huang, Jian Jiao
Preprint 2024, [PDF]

We propose a task-oriented in-domain data augmentation framework consisting of in-domain data selection and task-oriented synthetic passage generation.

diseExploring Iterative Refinement with Diffusion Models for Video Grounding
Xiao Liang*, Tao Shi*, Yaoyuan Liang, Te Tao, Shao-Lun Huang
ICME 2024, [PDF] [Code]

We propose a novel framework with diffusion models that formulates video grounding as a conditioned generation task, enhancing predictions through iterative refinement.

diseCoSTA: End-to-End Comprehensive Space-Time Entanglement for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
Yaoyuan Liang*, Xiao Liang* , Yansong Tang, Zhao Yang, Ziran Li, Jingang Wang, Wenbo Ding, Shao-Lun Huang
AAAI 2024, [PDF]

We propose a framework of Comprehensive Space-Time entAnglement to densely entangle space-time multi-modal features for spatio-temporal localization.

diseSSLCL: An Efficient Model-Agnostic Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Tao Shi*, Xiao Liang* , Yaoyuan Liang, Xinyi Tong, Shao-Lun Huang
Preprint 2023, [PDF] [Code]

We introduce utilizing label representations by projecting discrete labels into dense embeddings for multimodal emotion classification.

diseChunk, Align, Select: A Simple Long-sequence Processing Method for Transformers
Jiawen Xie, Pengyu Cheng, Xiao Liang , Yong Dai, Nan Du
ACL 2024, [PDF] [Code]

We propose a token selection framework for pre-trained transformers to process long sequences utilizing reinforcement learning.

(* indicates equal contribution)


  • (Nov. 2023 - Present) Reserch Intern, NLC Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China.
    Mentor: Yeyun Gong
    Working on large language models, pre-training strategy and model architecture.

  • (Mar. 2023 - Sep. 2023) Research Intern, AI Lab, Tencent Inc., Guangdong, China.
    Mentor: Pengyu Cheng, Nan Du
    Working on large language models, long sequence processing.

🏆Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Graduate Thesis, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, 2022
  • Outstanding Graduate Student, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, 2022
  • Second Prize Scholarship, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, 2019~2022
  • 1st of the 2022 Tsinghua Open Hack Competition - Multimodal Learning Track, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2022